Woman leaping into a blue imaginary planet. Leap Into Your Fears!

The Ultimate Guide to Gain Personal Power, Confidence, and Joy and Slay Fear, Insecurity and Doubt

Leap Into Your Fears

Learn to handle fear and uncomfortable situations, see possibility rather than despair, unleash your personal power, and create the magnificent life that you envision.

Living in fear paralyzes and limits what we experience. Fear of taking action is a thought created in the mind and can be overcome. Some of the concepts and solutions you’ll learn about in this course are –

  • Why you procrastinate and what you can do to stop it
  • What excuses are you telling you and how to stop making them
  • How to make win-win decisions that improve your life
  • Strategies to trust your intuition and your chosen path
  • When to say “no” and what always to say “yes” to
  • Strategies to handle the naysayers and negativity of friends and family
  • Develop the mindset to cope with situations and challenges, big and small
  • Understand and address the victim mentality and move from pain to power
  • How to accept responsibility for behavior, reactions, and actions
  • Techniques to turn around negative and cycling thoughts
  • Become empowered by all situations, good and bad
  • Alternative ways to handle despair, emptiness, and doubt
  • Tools to choose love and trust and cultivate giving
  • Correct your direction to a growth and learning path
  • Develop self-love, higher self-living, and a sense of wonder

… and much more.

Come explore and unlock the bottled-up value, unlimited potential, and love within you behind your fear. When you discover the unique value and gifts that are within and unleash these, you experience your best life, begin living your truest self, and choose life from the emotional high road. Fear is part of living – learn how to work with it and step into an exciting, fearless new you.


  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1 – What Are Afraid of and Why
  • Lesson 1 – Review
  • Lesson 2 – Can’t You Make it Go Away
  • Lesson 2 – Review
  • Lesson 3 – From Pain to Power
  • Lesson 3 – Review
  • Lesson 4 – Whether You Want It or Not
  • Lesson 4 – Review
  • Lesson 5 – Pollyana Rides Again
  • Lesson 5 – Review
  • Lesson 6 – When They Don’t Want You To Grow
  • Lesson 6 – Review
  • Lesson 7 – How to Make a No Lose Decision
  • Lesson 7 – Review
  • Lesson 8 – How Whole Is Your Whole Life
  • Lesson 8 – Review
  • Lesson 8 – SMARTS Goals
  • Lesson 9 – Just Nod Your Head and Say Yes
  • Lesson 9 – Review
  • Lesson 10 – Choosing Love and Trust
  • Lesson 10 – Review
  • Lesson 10 – BONUS – A Guided Visualization
  • Lesson 11 – Fill the Inner Void
  • Lesson 11 – Review
  • Lesson 11 – BONUS – A Guided Visualization
  • Lesson 12 – There’s Plenty of Time
  • Lesson 12 – Review


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