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Listen to the Whispers Within

”Rest your mind so you can hear the whispers of your heart.” — Jane Lee Logan

Have you ever sat quietly or gone for walk or been daydreaming to have an idea suddenly pop into your head? Where did that come from? If you listen closely, answers from your heart can rise out of your subconscious mind to guide you … so listen closely as these are the whispers that can greatly impact your life and give you a glimpse into what’s best for you.

Ideas seem to come from nowhere. Getting into the habit of defining a problem, and then releasing it to the inner mind, we learn to trust our subconscious whispers and train our thinking, conscious mind that we have the answer. Our subconscious goes to work mulling over the problem to find a solution. We are the only species on earth who can solve complex problems, yet much of this is not done from our conscious, thinking mind. Our subconscious houses our creative, imaginative mind filled with memories we’ve experienced, read, seen, and felt. Our subconscious mind acts like a computer retaining everything we feel, see, hear, taste and touch. The conscious mind reaches out via our senses to bring the external world to us.

We’ve all experienced an idea popping into our head, often just when we needed an answer to a question. It seems as if the more we think about a problem, the more blocked we are to solve it. Deep inside us is everything we need to get where we want to be. Our subconscious mind wants the very best for us and whispers to us from its depths with imaginative ideas. Our emotional mind is there to listen and heed the whispers, yet only if we hear. By letting go, we allow our creative, imaginative subconscious to help us find a solution.

The inner, feeling mind contains billions of thoughts, ideas, and memories that are not immediately available to our logical thinking mind. The subconscious mind is unfiltered and uncensored. Our logical, thinking mind brings the external world to us, the subconscious makes connections not available to our conscious mind, and accesses the deepest parts of memories filled with emotions and feelings.

It’s said that Thomas Edison, the infamous and prolific inventor most known for electricity, frequently took a nap in an armchair with a small ball in his slightly extended arms. While napping he would fall asleep thinking about the problem and often he would be jolted awake by the ball falling out of his hand. When this happened, he would frequently have a solution to the problem. He often retreated into his non-thinking, intuitive mind to spur his creativity.

Just before we begin to drift into sleep, our mind slips from the fast beta thinking mind activity to the slower-paced alpha feeling mind activity. This twilight-like zone is actually a similar area of the mind that is activated when we become hypnotized or meditate. We put aside our thinking mind and enter into our subconscious feeling and emotional mind. This subconscious mind houses emotions and feelings, so when an idea arises from it, it is infused with emotions from our heart, not simply a logical solution from the organized, limited thinking mind.

By opening up the subconscious mind, we let in flashes of imagination to connect with ideas that escape or seem unlikely to happen to the thinking mind. In preparation to handle these ideas, keep a small notebook by your bedside or in your car. I find that daydreaming in my car, taking a shower, or a walk in nature can cause the mind to open up into this daydream-like bridge between consciousness and subconsciousness. By having a notebook to jot down thoughts or a recorder to record your thought or idea, capturing these ideas becomes a fun and enjoyable activity. Try not to censure, just listen to and capture them. They’ll be plenty of time later to analyze and discard if needed.

A Japanese Zen quote sums up this concept of letting the mind wander. “Sitting quietly, doing nothing, spring comes and grass grows by itself.” Let your thoughts wander, delve into the deeper, inner parts and take a listen. For it’s here that you’ll find the answers to what you really want. We each have these inner whispers. When we quiet our mind through hypnosis, quietness, or meditation, we become aware of their existence and can listen for them as the suggestive, imaginative mind is an open pathway into the subconscious mind. These whispers can change the course of your life by offering heartfelt options and solutions our thinking mind cannot as our thinking mind holds no emotion or feeling.

Think about what you’ve come up with. Is is a viable option, is it possible? How do you feel about the idea? Does this idea hold emotional substance for you? If you’ve answered yes, even if it seems not possible, be open to exploring it. If your heart sings with the thought of it and it just feels right, take a first step to make it happen.


Have you ever had a great idea come to you out of the blue?
Do you act on your ideas or think they’re was unrealistic?
Are you open to listening to the whispers of your inner thoughts?


Try this exercise - Think of a problem that you’re having. Before going to sleep, put a notebook on your bedside table.

Say to yourself, ”I’m turning this problem over to my feeling, emotional mind for a solution, and then let release the problem.”

If you wake in the middle of the night with an idea, be sure to rouse yourself enough to write it down. This might take a few nights, but it will eventually show up.

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Terri O'Brien

a strong, courageous, independent woman pursuing a dream that is taking shape to be filled.

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