What I’m Reading – February 2023

I have by my bedside and have been reading off and on this month, an older book by Terry Cole-Whittaker, titled “What You Think of Me is None of My Business”. A very appropriate title as so often we judge ourselves by what others think of us. At the time of the writing of the…

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What I’m Reading – January 2023

I’ve just finished reading, The Power of Discipline – How To Use Self-Control and Mental Toughness to Achieve Your Goals by Daniel Walter. The book’s underlying theme is taking responsibility for where you are now, and for your actions to get where you want to be.  I learned that self-discipline is actually a skill, one…

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What I’m Reading – December 2022

Currently, I’m reading studying “As A Man Thinketh”. Another class master, the author is James Allen, and the book was originally published in 1902. He has written several books and this one deals with the power of thought and the use and application of thought to create happy and beautiful issues. He weaves relevant classic…

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What I’m Reading – November 2022

Currently, I’m reading several books, but one that stands out is called “The Magic of Believing – The Classic Guide to the Miracle Power of Your Mind.” It also includes a special bonus book, “TNT: It Rocks the Earth”. The author is Claude M. Bristol, and it was originally published in 1932. I find that…

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