3 Principles To Start Your Day

Clock on nightstand with Woman waking up and looking at it.

As I sit thinking about what makes someone’s day joyful and prosperous, I realize that it comes down to three concepts – The words we tell ourselves or our self-talk each day – our thoughts The pictures we give our mind to think about – our heart The actions we take to get what we…

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6 F’s to Live By

This musing is inspired by a personal article of someone who had recently remarried in her 60’s. She said she lives her life by 5 principles, I’ve added a 6th. Each is perfect on its own, practiced in combination, they lead to a beautiful, fulfilled and fun-loving life at any age. One of the best…

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Time Does Not Stand Still

Several years ago, a friend of mine sought my advice. She was in a quandary about taking an extra course of study that would require almost two years of her time and energy and cost quite a bit of money. We talked for a while, and while she wanted the extra certification, she felt she…

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What I’m Working On – April 2023

Hi everyone! I’m feeling excited, impatient, nervous, and exhilarated my audio courses are about to be available. My team is finalizing the recording and the myriad details of getting the courses available on the website to ensure your experience is a smooth one. A quick peek at what I’m offering – There are two series…

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Set Boundaries for Respect & Honor

Blocks of wood lined up domino style with hand separating.

One of the biggest challenges for any of us is to set boundaries with our time, love, space, and our feelings. What exactly are boundaries? Boundaries are limits or things that we have chosen for ourselves that we will not accept or tolerate. These limitations we have are lines in the sand that if someone…

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10 Things That Require No Talent

A wooden signpost with two signs pointing left and one sign pointing right.

Often, we become hung up on the idea that we need a specific talent to get ahead. Here are 10 things we can do that require no talent. Each one on their own supports the completion of our goals, used together they are a dynamic set of principles that all successful people have and create…

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Love You First​

Note page with script saying "Love Me" and a cutout red paper heart and a calligraphy pen being held by a woman

We’ve all heard the proverbial thought to love ourselves first. Yet, often we put our needs on the back burner while we pour our energy into loving and caring for our children, our parents, friends, partners, and others through volunteering. What about our needs? Why is it so difficult to put ourselves first, to love…

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7 Ways to Improve Your Self-Discipline

Glass and wood chessboard with close up of glass chess pieces

Self-Discipline is a skill that can be learned just like any other skill. Below are 7 Ways to Improve Your Self-Discipline. 1. Establish a morning routine – Establishing an early morning and an evening routine is perhaps a habit that pays off by improving yourself mentally, physically, and spiritually. Rather than hitting the snooze button,…

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The Party Is Just Beginning

Blonde woman with an open book blowing colorful paper confetti from book pages outwards

While sitting on the back deck, drinking a cup of coffee, I made the realization that the second part of life, the part after our youth is spent, after raising our children, after family obligations and taking a job to earn an income, is an abyss of personal responsibility. Yet, on the heels of this…

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Give Yourself The Gift of Rejection

Tan wrapping paper with small pine trees and white dots background and gift wrapped with paper and green and white twine

While I was unsubscribing from the many emails that come unbidden to me, I realized that we can use the same process to thoughts that come to us, quickly deleting the ones that do not support us. Daily, each of us have between 15,000-17,000 thoughts that come into our minds. Many of these thoughts are…

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