5 Steps to Change A Thought
On any given day, we are bombarded with thoughts from our external world. Below are 5 Steps to Change A Thought. Become Aware of the Thought – Before we can change a thought, we must in tune that the thought is coming from the exterior and we are reacting or responding generally from practiced patterns.…
Read MoreListen to the Whispers Within
Have you ever sat quietly or gone for walk or been daydreaming to have an idea suddenly pop into your head? Where did that come from? If you listen closely, answers from your heart can rise out of your subconscious mind to guide you … so listen closely as these are the whispers that can…
Read More7 Ways to Quiet the Chaos
Our inner voice needs calmness and stillness in order to be heard. Here are 7 of the best ways to quiet the mind so that our heartfelt thoughts can rise to the surface. 1. Tap into the natural world – take a short walk or hike, ride a bike, sit on a bench and watch…
Read MoreDo You Know Too Much?
“Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.” Anton Chekhov The majority of us are on information overload. Information comes at us invited and uninvited, through blogs, email, through the news, through social media feeds, through our friends and family, in podcasts, blogs, stories, texts and much more. We’re addicted to information,…
Read MoreQuiet Power and Strength of Confidence
Just what is so special about confidence? Why are we attracted to confident people and shy away from those that are timid? Confidence is the ability to believe in one’s strength, perseverance and commitment to make something happen. It is a necessary ingredient for any degree of success in our personal and professional life.…
Read MoreRelationships – Help OR Hindrance?
RELATIONSHIPS ARE VITAL TO THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE, yet often we cling to unsupportive ones out of habit, comfort, fear, necessity or complacency. A conscious, honest assessment of our relationships and how each influences our thoughts and behaviors can bring surprising results. We each have a myriad of relationships on multiple levels – intimate, friendship, acquaintances,…
Read MoreYour Law Of Belief – Is It Really True?
WITH ANY NEW ENDEAVOR, the starting point in making change begins with belief in the idea. Beliefs, both conscious and unconscious, combined with action creates the results we have in our lives. Our minds are capable of accepting only that information which we believe is true. If we believe that we are not able to…
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