What I’m Working On – March 2023

This has been an extremely productive month for me. I’m putting the final touches on 14 products that are anticipated to be rolled out in the next couple of weeks. This entire process has been both invigorating and humbling. It’s been a profound training and personal journey for me as I realize how much there…

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What I’m Working On – February 2023

All good things take time, energy, and a dose of love to develop. This last month and the following month will continue to be a time of creation and production. I’ve been busy as a bee as they say researching, writing, and rewriting the content and then recording and adding music to the products. These…

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What I’m Working On – January 2023

I’m excited for the goals that I’m completing this month! This is a month of huge significance for me as I am almost completed with several products to offer my community. I’ve written and recorded over 8 self-hypnosis products and hope to have them available for purchase in the next few weeks. One of my…

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What I’m Working On – December 2022

This month, I’ve begun a gratitude journal. While studying a course I’m taking with Bob Proctor, called “Six Minutes to Success”, he states “The whole process of mental adjustment and attunement can be summed up in one word: gratitude. Each day, I write down 10 things that I am sincerely grateful for. These can be…

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What I’m Working On – November 2022

Having launched my website, I’m now working on getting the word out, and we’re currently on Facebook, Instagram and setting up a business LinkedIn account. If you’d like to get inspiration and motivational tips, then follow Master Joy and Success on Facebook or Instagram! What I’m really excited about though is that I’m working on developing…

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